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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

5 Minutes One Act Play Template

Title: "The Lost Wallet"

- Jack: A forgetful and absent-minded individual
- Sarah: Jack's concerned and organized friend
- Timmy: A passerby youth

Setting: A park
Scene 1: The Park Bench

(Jack is sitting alone on a park bench, looking worried)
Sarah: (Enters, noticing Jack's distress) Jack, what's wrong? You look troubled.
Jack: Sarah, I've lost my wallet again! I can't find it anywhere. I'm such a scatterbrain.
Sarah: Oh no, not again! We need to retrace your steps. Where did you last have it?
Jack: (Thinking) I remember having it while buying coffee at the café near my house. And then I came here for a walk. I must have dropped it along the way.

Scene 2: The Investigation

(Sarah and Jack start looking around, scanning the ground for the lost wallet)
Sarah: Let's check the path from the café to this park. Maybe it fell out of your pocket.
Jack: (Trying to remember) I also stopped to tie my shoelaces near that tree. It could have slipped out then. I really hope we find it.

Scene 3: The Unexpected Savior

(A young boy, Timmy, notices the wallet on their way)
Timmy: (Excitedly) Excuse me, is this your wallet?
Jack: (Relieved) Oh my goodness, yes! Thank you so much, Timmy. You've saved the day!
Sarah: (Grateful) Thank you, Timmy. You're a true hero. Jack needs to be more careful, and you've taught us a valuable lesson.
Timmy: (Smiling) It was nothing. I'm glad I could help. Have a great day!

Scene 4: The Resolution

(Jack and Sarah sit back on the park bench)
Sarah: Well, Jack, you need to be more mindful of your belongings. Losing your wallet seems to be a recurring issue.
Jack: You're right, Sarah. I promise to be more responsible. And Timmy's act of kindness reminds me of the importance of helping others in need.
Sarah: That's a good lesson to remember. And now, let's celebrate finding your wallet with a well-deserved ice cream treat.
Jack: (Smiling) Agreed! Thanks again, Sarah, for always being there for me.
(They exit the stage, chatting and laughing)


Note: This template provides a basic structure for a short one-act play. While the content and story can be altered and expanded upon, the template sets the stage for a 5-minute play centered around the theme of forgetfulness and kindness.1

1ChatGPT - Chatbot by BestIM